C-Brace® orthosis
The world’s only stance and swing phase controlled orthosis (SSCO®).
The world’s only stance and swing phase controlled orthosis (SSCO®).
Stance and swing phase controlled orthosis
The C-Brace® can make walking possible again for people with partial or total paralysis of the knee extensors, for example as a result of polio. Thanks to its unique sensor technology, the orthosis controls walking movements in real time. As a result, the user can walk with a nearly natural gait pattern. This means a shopping trip in the city, a family bike ride and even hiking in the mountains are possible again.
New freedom of movement with the C-Brace®
Active living with the C-Brace®
In the past, paralysis orthoses were limited to locking and unlocking the knee joint. As a consequence, movements such as sitting down were rather abrupt.The C-Brace®, on the other hand, responds immediately and intelligently to the user’s current situation. The integrated microprocessor controls the stance and swing phase of the leg – and therefore the entire gait cycle. The user no longer needs to pay attention to every step now. They can even go down stairs step-over-step. Walking can become natural again, whether fast or slow, on uneven ground or slopes.

Walking recalculated
The new C-Brace® is so small that it can be worn under clothing.
Thanks to its lightweight design, walking is less effort for users.
New sensor technology makes the entire movement pattern even more dynamic and responsive.
The C-Brace® responds in real time. This makes users safer, including in possible tripping situations.
Plus, users can adjust their joint via a smartphone app and switch to cycling mode, for example.
Individual fitting: Certified orthotics and prosthetics professionals construct the orthosis directly at the medical supply company and adjust it to the patient individually using a Setup app on a tablet computer.
80 per cent fewer falls with C-Brace
An international study published for the first time in September 2023 has been proven that the static and dynamic balance of the participants was significantly improved with the C-Brace in contrast to conventional leg orthoses called KAFOs (Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses) or SCOs (Stance Control Orthoses). The number of falls was drastically reduced by 80 per cent.
102 patients from 13 study centres in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and the USA took part in the randomised, controlled cross-over study.

Human empowerment with the C-Brace®
From a wheelchair to the top of a mountain

Denise was 29 years old when she underwent disc surgery – a seemingly harmless procedure. However, the surgery didn’t go as smoothly as planned and when she woke up from anaesthesia, she could no longer feel her right thigh. The diagnosis: incomplete paraplegia. Overnight, the single mother of two from Düsseldorf became one of over 680,000 people in Germany who have limited or no mobility in one or both legs (as at 2019), 140,000 of whom suffer from paraplegia. The world’s first smart leg orthosis, the C-Brace, has given Denise new mobility and improved her quality of life – and she’s even found love with her physiotherapist Mark.