Management of the company
Ottobock is a partnership limited by shares and is not listed on the stock exchange (SE & Co. KGaA). 100 per cent of the shares are held by Näder Holding, which is owned by the Näder family.
The Management Board
The Management Board is responsible for running the business of Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA. Chairman of the Board is Professor Hans Georg Näder. The Management Board determines the company’s basic orientation and strategic direction. It consists of four Non-Executive Directors and two of the four Executive Directors (CEO/CSO and CFO) at present.

The Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA is subject to European co-determination and consists of six shareholder representatives and four employee representatives from Germany and abroad. It monitors the activities of the Management Board, which conducts the business of Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA. Dr Bernd Bohr, long-standing head of the automotive division at Bosch, is Chair of the Supervisory Board.

Oliver Jakobi – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Sales Officer (CSO)
Oliver Jakobi assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in mid-December 2022. In this position, Jakobi will continue the company's growth strategy. Sales, Legal & Compliance, Communications and Public Affairs report directly to him. Previously, in addition to his role as Chief Sales Officer (CSO) he served as interim CEO since May 2022.
The position of Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Jakobi holds since January 2020. In this role, he takes care of the global business and leads the regions and markets. This also includes the more than 390 patient care facilities worldwide.
Jakobi has been with the company for over 30 years. The internationally experienced sales manager was born in Southern Lower Saxonyand completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk at Ottobock. He earned his Executive Master of Business Administration at the ZfU in Thalwil, Switzerland. Most recently, as Regional President, he was successfully responsible for and further developed the EEMEA region.

Dr Arne Kreitz – Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Since mid-May 2022, Dr. Arne Kreitz has been Ottobock's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and a member of the Management Board. As CFO, he is responsible not only for finance and corporate audit & risk management but also for business process management. Under him, the key areas of strategy and M&A as well as financial planning were merged into a single department.
As Chief Strategy & Transformation Office (CSTO), he has been part of Ottobock's expanded Executive Board since 2018 and has been actively involved in the company's strategic transformation process. Since then, he has been responsible for Strategy and M&A and ensures continuous optimisation of processes.

Arne Jörn – Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Arne Jörn has been Ottobock's Chief Operations Officer (COO) since March 2018. In this role, he is responsible for production, quality management, purchasing, logistics/facility management, production engineering and after-sales service.In mid-May 2022, Jörn also assumed the role of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and thus took over responsibility for Ottobock's Research & Development (R&D). In the personnel union as COO/CTO, he ensures effective and efficient processes and high quality standards with regard to product development and production. He has also taken over responsibility for Human Resources.Previously, since 2012, Jörn worked for the global, publicly listed commercial vehicle supplier SAF Holland, most recently as COO. As Plant Manager at STILL and Managing Director of Operations at NORGREN, he gained several years of experience as a manager in Operations, R&D and Purchasing and was responsible for the strategic and operational orientation of the factories and plants.Jörn studied mechanical engineering at TU Braunschweig and later industrial engineering in Braunschweig, Hanover, and Darmstadt. Before that, he completed an apprenticeship as a toolmaker.

Martin Böhm – Chief Experience Officer (CXO)
Martin Böhm took up his role as Chief Experience Officer on Ottobock’s Executive Board in June 2021. Böhm previously served as Chief Digital Officer at MDAX-listed Beiersdorf and will be contributing this experience as he takes responsibility for Marketing and IT at Ottobock and works to integrate these areas.
Under his leadership, the company will be enhancing its digital user experience, particularly with respect to social media, e-commerce, CRM and AI. Together with his team, Böhm will be setting up a data-driven platform centred around users and customers with personalised solutions for everyday life. With these projects, he wants to continue driving forward Ottobock’s digital transformation and the cultural change within the company.

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A company that makes people mobile
Regardless of whether the product is a prosthesis, an orthosis, a wheelchair or an exoskeleton – our focus is always on the people we support.
Regardless of whether the product is a prosthesis, an orthosis, a wheelchair or an exoskeleton – our focus is always on the people we support.

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